Saturday, December 13, 2014

Photo Friday, December 13

We have had a busy week!  Here's a little run down of all that we did.

Tuesday ~ We had a friend come over to practice making some Christmas food.  She was planning on making dinner for a group of refugees that she volunteers with.  It was mighty tasty!  She's from London, so I had some foods I had never had before, namely bread sauce.  Yummy!

Wednesday ~ We went to look at a preschool for the kids.  It's a Montessori school and the kids really liked it.  They'll go back for a trial day in January to see if it's a fit for all of us.  Then, hopefully, we'll enroll them.  We're very excited about it!  They will go three days a week, but it's only for two hours per day.  That's not very long, but hopefully it will give the kids something fun to do and help them learn Indonesian.
We went to some government office to try to get some paper work that states we are residents here.  We had to do that so that Michael can get his motorcycle.  We spent an hour or so at the office, but Michael still had to go back later in the week.
McDonald's was our last stop.  We promised the kids they could have ice cream if they did well at their new school.  Success!!

Thursday ~ A friend came over with her carpenter to look at our roof.  Our roof is leaking and we can hear raindrops on our ceiling when there's a rain storm.  The carpenter said he could fix it, but has to wait until there's a day with no rain.  Who knows when that will happen!!

Friday ~ We went back to the office to get the official paperwork that we are residents.  Then, we had to go to a different office to get our cards stamped.  Lucky for us, there was a guy sitting next to us at the first office who was on his way to the second office.  He offered to let us follow him there.  If he hadn't been there, I'm pretty sure we would never have made it to the second office.  But, we got there, got our card stamped, and headed to the motorcycle dealership.  Hooray!  
We got to the dealership and had quite a few issues with translation.  We weren't able to get the bike, but left our phone number so they could call us when they got things figured out.  Michael called an Indonesian friend and asked for his help.
Friday afternoon was GREAT!  We had a friend watch the kids and Michael and I had five hours to go Christmas shopping.  It was good for just the two of us to get our of the house.  

Saturday ~ Michael and his friend went to the motorcycle dealership and he got his bike!  I know he's excited about that!  We also had a couple of friends over today to use our oven.  Ovens are a rarity in this country, so we are glad to be able to let people use ours.  (Although, we have been having some issues with ours and had to borrow a little countertop oven.)  One friend came for most of the afternoon and has been here all evening.  

So, we've had quite a busy, but good, week.  I hope you are all enjoying your holidays and finding some time for rest and relaxation.  Here are some pictures from November that I haven't put up, yet.  Enjoy!

Sibling Love

 Our girl always has something in her mouth!

 This kids loves writing and drawing.
 Finding anything to wrap around like a cape is a favorite activity.
 The kids usually play on tablets during church.  This day, however, Truett quietly played in a corner with his blocks and toys.  Hallelujah!
 He put some cardboard boxes on his legs and tried to walk around.  Quite funny!
 This time he was dressing up like a knight (another favorite).  He's using the dirty clothes hamper as a shield, socks as elbow and knee pads (don't all knights need those??), and a lid for a helmet.  Such an imagination!

 Our neighbors got baby chickens, one green and one purple.  Unfortunately, they died in just a few days.  I remember getting little chickens like this during Easter when I was a kid.
 This is our McDonald's play place.

 And I'll leave you with a favorite:
Michael reads a Bible story to the kids every night.  Truett loves this time and pays such close attention.  His favorite phrase these days is, "that's interesting."  So cute!

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