Saturday, February 23, 2019

The Things We See #6

Our next installment of The Things We See is here!  
It seems like many of these are about food, both good and . . . well . . . interesting.

I'll start with things we see on the street.  That first picture is of a guy on a motorcycle with 6 phone cases on the handlebars.  Not sure what's going on there!  The second picture is something we see on a regular basis.  It's like a traveling toy store.  The last one is a guy driving with a bunch of live chickens.  We actually see them with many more chickens than that, but that's the picture I've got.

Here are some unique items we see for sale around here.

 Paisley wanted that doll for Christmas.  The second picture is a weed-eater, sold as a "grass trimmer."  The last is just a sampling of the random English words we see on shirts here.

 Can you tell what this is?  It's stamps for your hotdogs!

Honey Butter Lays.  Shrimp Cookies.  Chocolate Chip cookies with Cheese.  I mean, can you get any more delicious than that?
 Cheese Tea.  Cheese Milk Slurpee.  Tuna Chips.  You can't make this stuff up!

 Now to McDonalds.  Choco Pumpkin McFlurry. Chocolate waffle cone.  Slurpees and garlic butter sauce.

This one from Wendy's is pretty funny.  This was on the wall and can you see all of the red duct tape?  It covers up everywhere it says "ham."  Then, of course, the cheesey chicken cone?

 And I'll leave you with the water bottle Christmas tree at the grocery store.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

After School Activities

We have some busy kids this semester.  This is what our weekly kid schedule looks like after school.

Monday ~ Paisley has ballet at a new dance studio close to our house (this will start in a couple of weeks)

Tuesday ~ Paisley has "Fun with Italian" at school.  Truett chose not to do an activity, so he and I just get to hang out while we wait for Paisley.

Wednesday ~ We head over to another school in town after school.  Paisley takes "MiniChef" and Truett leans Taekwondo.

Thursday ~ The kids stay after school where they both take "Kids Drawing."

Friday ~ We're back over to the other school.  Truett goes to "Robo School" and Paisley learns the violin.

I don't have pictures from the classes they take at their current school, but here are some from the other school.

A little girl playing a violin is just too cute!

This is Truett working on his robot.  The kids get instructions on building a robot with legos.  Then they can use a cell phone to control it.

This is from Paisley's first day at violin.

This is Truett's taekwondo class.  He loves it!

Paisley will play a duet with this little girl.  They will play Twinkle Twinkle.

Saturday, February 9, 2019

The End of 2018 and Beginning of 2019

I want to put up some pictures from the end of 2018 and beginning of 2019.  Nothing special, just some snipits of life.

Truett is just too cool!

At the kids' school, they get to pick 2 activities to be a part of after school.  This past semester, Paisley picked basketball and table tennis.  Truett picked Fun with Italian and table tennis.
 We spent a morning at the library with Paisley's good friend.

 Not quite sure what this thing is.  Any guesses?

Truett sure can be a sweet one!

I'm sorry this one is sideways.  Truett had to take a family picture to school.   So, I printed this one out and gave it to him and walked away.  When I came back, this is what I saw.  Truett was so proud of himself!  Luckily, he decided it was probably a pretty good idea to print out another picture to take to school!

  She's definitely a cute one!

And sometimes you just have to take a picture of your kids because they're looking good!

 There's a fun play place in a mall that the kids like to go to.  One section is a jail.  They had fun taking these pictures!  Unfortunately, in those last pictures where Truett looks really mad, he's not acting, he was really mad because Paisley wouldn't play chase with him.

 Paisley made a birthday cake for me (with my help).  She is such a great little helper!

For Christmas, the kids got some silly string.  It did NOT work.  But, Truett had some cool blue spots in his hair from it.

 Paisley and her friends watching a BlackPink video.  It's some pop group from Korea.

 Just thought I'd show you our bathroom.  No fun.  We put the towels down so we could at least go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

 The kids' school had a little photo booth opportunity in the lobby.

 Look at these sweet ones!

 I was working on my Patio Oasis (pictures later in the post) and the kids just had to be right where I was.  So, Truett brought his toys outside and Paisley practiced her violin outside.

How does one get a fork stuck in his hair????

 The kids love to have "play picnics" outside.  It's not for eating, but for playing.  They set this one up for me.  It's got a couple of family pictures, a saying we have on the wall, some books, a fan, and SkipBo.  They know me well!

 Paisley and I got creative with some old jeans the other day.

 We've started playing Pickup Sticks and Jacks.  The kids love it!

He was so proud of this outfit he put together and has decided he wants to be a fashion designer.  He also found this little lego of his and was excited because he was dressed just like him!

 We had a holiday last week, so some friends came over for an afternoon of baking.

 My Patio Oasis

 I love it when the kids wear traditional Indonesian and their cowboy boots!

 Who doesn't love bananas with sprinkles?

Truett has started making a "roller coaster" at the bottom of the stairs.

And we'll end with this little one who loves to pose.