Sunday, October 26, 2014

Bucket Baths!!

The children get so excited when they get to take "bucket baths."  We do this when we're late getting home and don't have a time for a real bath before bedtime.  Don't worry, we do have a real bathtub that they usually use!

Michael and I do, however, use those buckets for bathing.  Not in quite the same way the kids do!  We fill the buckets up with water and then use a smaller handled bucket to splash the water on us.  See, our bathroom doesn't have a bathtub, only a spout.  There is a shower head connected to it, but because of the way the hot water works in our house, we have either burning hot water or icy cold.  We manage to switch back and forth from hot to cold until the bucket is filled with a comfortable temperature of water and then we bathe away!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Brooke! That is crazy!! I suppose it is the kind of thing you get used to though. You will love anytime you get to take a real shower from here on!!
