Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

Well, our Thanksgiving Party was smaller than expected.  Seventeen people didn't show up, so we only had 63 here!!!  It was busy and delicious and exhausting and great!
Thankfully, I had this little crew of people here to help me on Friday afternoon with all of the cutting and chopping and mixing and prepping.  Then, three more came over on Saturday morning to help me put things in and out of the oven and attend to the last minute details.  I sure am thankful for these people!

 Here's the food!  No turkey for us, but we all love buckets of KFC chicken.  We also had corn casserole, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, stuffing, sweet potato casserole, cranberry jello salad, and rolls.  Well, we also had desserts, LOTS of desserts.  If someone asked what they could bring, I suggested something sweet.  Boy did they bring the sweets!

We didn't get many pictures of everyone who was there, but we had a great time!  This year was bigger than past years.  We invited neighbors, friends from church, friends from the kids' old school, and friends from the kids' new school.  There were people from Indonesia, Denmark, Australia, America, Romania, New Zealand, and Canada.  They enjoyed the food!

The kids' table, with about 1/3 of the kids there.

This is the group of young adults from our church.  They are amazing!

I always like taking a picture of the front porch when we have parties.

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