Friday, November 22, 2019

Coklat Monggo Museum and Factory

The kids have been learning about how food is grown and made at school.  So, they took a field trip to . . . a chocolate factory!!  This is the very best chocolate in Indonesia.  The company was started by a Belgian man about 10 years ago.  His friends convinced him that his chocolate was so good that he needed to sell it.  So, he drove around on his pink scooter to sell it.  It has now grown to 5 stores in Yogya and 1 store in Jakarta.  And, like I said, it's the best chocolate in the country!

The boys being silly!
The lined up to make some chocolate.  It was actually pretty lame, they just squirted out some chocolate on to a pan.  But, at least it tasted good!

The chocolate the kids "made."
 So much chocolate!!!!!

Our tour guide was great!

10% of the world's chocolate comes from Indonesia.

 The kids had to answer questions based on the information the tour guide told us.

 The first chocolate was not eaten, but made into a spicy chocolate drink.

 Finally, in 1848, people wised up and figured out they could eat it!

These are the cocoa beans inside the fruit from a cocoa tree.  They start as slimy and white.  Then they are fermented.  After that, the outside shell is taken off and the cocoa bean is ground into powder.

Fun Facts About Choclolate

 The history of the company from 2005 to 2015.  Transportation, stores, workers, factories, and daily production.

The girls are great friends!

Year 3 and 4 at Jogjakarta Community School

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