Saturday, August 3, 2019

A Month Away

I know, I know, I've been MIA for over a month.  We took the young adults on a weekend retreat and the kids and I went straight to Salatiga for a week of summer camp.  We got back in the evening on July 5th and left the morning of July 7th to head on a mission trip to Sumba.  We got back after a week on a Monday and my Dad and Traci got here the following Friday.  They left the next Thursday morning and that evening an old college friend came to town with her kids.  I spent Friday and Saturday with them.  Whew!  I was home without company for a total of 4 days and those days were filled with packing for trips or getting ready for company.  It was a busy, but fun month! I'm still going through pictures, but here is a selection of some random pictures from the past couple of months.

I don't remember why Paisley was dressed up all fancy, but doesn't she look cute!

 Her little missing tooth smile is adorable!  We have an agent* here who calls us if a movie/tv show/commercial is looking for Westerns.  When she found out that Paisley was missing a front tooth, she called to ask if she would be a ghost in a horror movie.  Um, no, I'm going going to let my 6 year old be in a horror movie. 

*agent is just my silly term for this lady who calls us when a show needs westerners.  She's not really our agent, but it's fun to say she is!

Sometimes these two act like they love each other!

We had some friends over for pizza and movie night, so we pulled out the pillows and blankets and projected it on the wall.

 Our sweet friend Miyuki that we don't get to see as much since the girls go to different schools now.

 We took some visitors to see the Sultan's palace.  On this particular day, there was a dance performance.  Notice how the little girl is looking at Paisley.

 These pictures are also at the Sultan's palace.  When we first moved here about 5 years ago, we took pictures of the kids with these same statues.  It would take me way too long to find those pictures now, so just use your imagination!!

 Sometimes you just need to take a picture of all the cuteness!

Michael's friend John came to visit in April.  Since they both love motorcycles, they piled up and went on a cross country trek.  For some reason, they thought it would be fun to ride motorcycles for 7 days across Indonesia.

 Paisley was setting the table the other day and said this is how the "fancy" places set out the forks and napkins!!

The kids love having "toy picnics" outside.  Instead of taking food out to eat for a picnic, they take toys out to play with.  I guess this was an especially sunny day, so they covered their play area with umbrellas.

Paisley hard at work installing a light in her Barbie doll house.

Some friends came over and we made cookies!!!

 Working on a little sewing.  Our grandparents and great grandparents would be proud!


 I used to love making these pot holders when I was a kid!

 Paisley asked if she could help lead worship one night.  She did great!

 Just some cuties at Burger King

 Here's a good story for you . . . the kids are finally at that age that when they wake up in the morning, they can read or play quietly for a while and let me sleep in a bit.  One morning I woke up to some exploding sounds.  I run downstairs and the kids are staring at the open microwave.  So, here's a little back story.  Last year, I found a neat project online.  You heat up rocks in the oven (can you see where this is headed?) and then put rub crayons over them.  The wax melts and it makes neat designs.  So, the kids wanted to do that on their own.  They were wise enough no know that they shouldn't use the oven without me, so they decided to heat the rocks up in the microwave.  The problem is that the rocks weren't really all rocks.  Some were pieces of broken concrete.  Do you know what happens when you put concrete in the microwave?  See picture below . . .

Matching girls!

I'm not sure if I've put up last day of school pictures, yet.  If not, here they are.

 Maybe you remember seeing this wall before.  We call it "Hayley's yellow heart."  I need to go back and find all the pictures we've taken of the kids in front of this wall.

Just some goofing around at the pool.


You don't often get to see pictures of the parents.  So, here we are.

 This is a picture from the women's small group I get to lead.

Paisley LOVES to cook.  I found a recipe for a cookie-in-a-cup and she made one for each of us.

A dear friend gave us this painting of the kids when we left our old school.

My little one is stylish!

 A fun afternoon out with some friends.  Just hanging around!

Our "agent" called and asked for the kids to make a recording.

EVERYBODY LOVES TO MOOOOOOP! Especially me and you!

Paisley leading helping to lead worship


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