Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Day of Fun

One day last week, we spent the day with our good friends here.  We all had a great time.  It started with a trip up the mountain to the park (one of the only parks in town).  It's a bit cooler up the mountain, so we enjoyed that.  Because it is Ramadan (Muslim holy time), we had the place pretty much to ourselves.  We brought a picnic lunch and let the kids run around.

Truett loved this big elephant.  He recently rode a real elephant at the zoo, but this one was much higher!
So high that Daddy had to go rescue him!
 Paisley didn't make it up the elephant, so she got a picture on this . . . deer?

 They had fun with bubbles.

There is a fruit here that Paisley loves to eat.  It's called salak.  It has the flavor of an apple, but is much denser.  It's a bit smaller than your fist and skin that looks like a snake.  
When you open it, you peel it apart like a garlic.  Interesting, huh?

Of course we went zip lining.  It was neat because we could ride with the kids.  
Of course, Tru wanted to ride by himself.
 Yep, I went, too!

 After lunch, the kids got lots of good play time in while the adults just sat and enjoyed the outdoors.

 And, as if the park wasn't enough fun for one day, we then decided to take a drive on to see some monkeys.  We bought peanuts and fed them right out of our hand!
 Paisley loved it!
 Truett liked this vantage point much better.
Monkey faces??

And, as if we STILL hadn't had enough fun, that evening we headed over to the town square.  
We had fun in one of the light up push pedal cars.
 The kids got to sit on top . . . 
 While we did all of the work!

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