Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Last Day of School

Let me tell you about this school year for our kids.  The kids are in a small school.  Small enough that they combine classes.  So, Truett and Paisley are in the same classroom, but still in separate grades.  They learn some same topics and some different.  So, this year . . . the year started with their teacher on maternity leave.  So, for the first 4 or 6 weeks of school they didn't really have a teacher.  Other teachers came and helped out and their assistant teacher was their.  After that, their teacher came back, but left at the end of the teacher.  So, in comes a new teacher.  However, after 2 months, I became their teacher.  What a year!!!

Let me first show you their first day of school pictures . . . 

 Here are the last day of school pictures . . .


Yes, yes, Truett's curls are quite long.  That same afternoon, we took him to get a haircut (I had already given him a "Corona cut" a couple of months ago).  He didn't want to brush his hair anymore and decided a hair cut would be the easier option.

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