Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Taman Pelangi

The Garden of Rainbows

There's a place near by that some of the exchange students we know wanted to go to.  This was back in September, but I thought it would be fun to show you.  Some of these pictures are ones that we took, some are ones I found on the internet.

This Mickey Mouse wanted to be paid to have a picture taken with him.  Too bad the kids were SCARED of him.  He was a bit creepy!
I think it has been Michael's life long dream to drive a becak (pronounced bay-chuck).  I'm glad his dream could be realized at this land o' lights.

 Here's an excerpt from a website

Taman Pelangi (literally translated as "The Garden of Rainbows") is the name given to the amusement park, which is located within the yard of Monumen Jogja Kembali. Designed to surround the park, numerous lampions in various shapes and colors are installed to decorate the yard. The park has two entrance gates-the west and the east gate. YogYES suggests you to go through the east gate, as you will directly be welcomed by a huge lampion in the shape of a rainbow, which also serves as the gate to the kingdom of lampions.
Entering the park, we will go through a route of passages filled by various colorful lampions-shaped in floras, faunas, Japanese and Disney cartoon characters, to the faces of Indonesian's leaders. The lampions are presented in varied installation manners-some seem to be planted into the ground, some are fixed to the wall, some hanging in the air, while some others are installed in lines like a drill of soldiers.

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