Friday, April 7, 2017


Truett turned six this past Tuesday.  Like all moms say on their kids' birthdays, I can't believe he's six!  I didn't do such a great job of taking pictures of the festivities, I'm sorry.  Here's a run down of the birthday activities.  

It started on Sunday night.  We always go out to eat on Sunday nights with the young adults from our church and we let Truett pick the restaurant.  
He picked Doodle Burger, the burger joint that upcharges for a colorful burger bun.

There was no school on Monday, so he helped me bake his cake.  Oh it was a cake!  Five layers of deliciousness!  I'll have to admit, it did not come out anything like the Star Wars cake we wanted, but it was tasty and ended up looking nice.
And, the parts that I cut off because it was too big for the plate made some nice cake balls!

On Monday night, we kept up our birthday tradition and took the birthday boy and a couple of families to McDonalds.  A side note . . . as it is rainy season in our country right now, the electricity is a bit precarious.  While we were having dinner, the lights went out three different times, once for about 10 minutes.  The kids thought it was hilarious that the electricity kept going off.  Sorry, no pics.

Tuesday morning, Truett was up nice and early and ready to open presents.  I managed to get him to wait until about 7:00 to start opening.  So, we video called the grandparents and let them watch the fun.  He got Legos, lots of Legos!  And some Star Wars toys.

 He even let his little sister open some of his presents.  What a sweetheart!

Truett had his school party, complete with cake, songs, and goodie bags.  

Truett handed the cake out to his friends.  


The teachers picked students to sing to him.  

Although, this friend was sad that she wasn't chosen to sing for him.

 We filled the goodie bags with some cookies and crackers, an Uno game, and a Star Wars themed name tag.  

 I'm not exactly sure what's going on in that first picture.
I think Truett is making the "O" for Olifant, the name of his school.

We ended the day watching the new Smurfs movie with some good friends.  Again, no pictures.

By Thursday, we still had cake left over (remember the FIVE layers???)  So, Paisley and I smushed it up to make some more cake balls for our Bible study friends.

Today Truett said, "What if I was born on a Thursday and every Thursday was my birthday."  
Needless to say, I think he enjoyed turning six.

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