Saturday, April 1, 2017

More balet

Yes, I know it looks like I spelled ballet wrong in the title, but that's how it's spelled here, and it's pronounced with that last 't.'  So, when you see me next, please excuse me if I mispronounce it!  
The first year that Paisley was in ballet, she only had one performance.  She's already had two this year!  Some of these pictures aren't the greatest, it seems my phone isn't taking very good pictures lately.  But, I hope you'll enjoy my precious daughter . . .

We'll start with a few selfies.  The friend in the second set of pictures comes to visit every once in a while and stays with us for a couple of weeks at a time.  The kids love her.

 A few pre-performance pics.

 Truett wanted to take some pictures, too.  Here are a couple.
(no, Paisley isn't in any of them)

 Some pictures from their last practice.  I'm not sure what happened to this first picture, but I thought it looked pretty cool.

 And now, the performances.

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