Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Places She Sleeps

I think this little one has an aversion to beds.  Every naptime and bedtime she won't fall asleep in her bed (don't worry, we put her in her bed for the night after she's fallen asleep).  Here are a few of the places she sleeps . . . in suitcases, on the floor, in her lemari (armoire).  And there's one of our little guy, too.  He always sleeps with books, his favorite being the Bible.  We were switching out books for him to take to bed the other night, and he said he had to keep the Bible with him!


  1. That is so adorable. Karis sure does miss her. We all miss you guys. And how sweet that he sleeps with his Bible! You may have a preacher boy on your hands. :)
