Home is such a complex word for me these days. We went "home" to Texas in June. And now we're back "home" in Indonesia. There are lots of pictures to put up on this blog from our time in Texas. Who knows when I'll get to that! For now, here are a few pictures from our stop over in Bali on the way back to Yogya.
Actually, to start with, look at this airplane! It is Hello Kitty overload! Hello Kitty painted on the side of the plane, Hello Kitty pillow, Hello Kitty vomit bag, Hello Kitty head rest, Hello Kitty plasticware, Hello Kitty hand wipes. It was way overboard. Paisley loved it!
Paisley got "Bali braids." She loves it and looks oh-so-cute!
We had fun at the beach!
I wish you could see the kids a little better in this one. They were bent over with their hands on the beach, looking through their legs at the beach. I'm not exactly sure why, but Truett told me that the waves came up and hit them in the face!
The kids love their ice cream. Unfortunately, they aren't the neatest eaters.
One of the things that happens often is people coming up to use to practice their English. This is just a little scene that shows one of those times.
Paisley gets a lot of attention and a lot of selfies.
The tide brings in a lot of trash during rainy season. This year, there were people cleaning up along the beach.
Truett was upset because Michael brushed his hair. No smiles for him. But, put some flowers behind his ears and he's all smiles!
Fun finger tricks.
We found a toe in the sand?!?!
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