Sunday, May 7, 2017

Little Scientist

Back a month or so ago, the kids' school had a big "fest" at a local mall.  There were competitions for the public and the school kids, some auditioned and some for everyone.  We'll start with the coloring contest. 
Paisley's class colored pictures of elephants.  I told Paisley to take her time because I thought they had two hours.  She was coloring so carefully, making sure she stayed in the lines.  Ten minutes after they start, I hear an announcement that there were only 5 minutes left.  Oops!  She should have done what one of her friends did, just scribbled green over the whole thing!!  
Truett's class got to paint an elephant on a piece of wood.  Unfortunately, when I handed Truett his paint, it completely spilled all down his new shirt.  They gave him new paint, but the shirt was ruined (sorry, Grams!).
Neither kid won their competition, but they had fun.

These next pictures are kind of fun.  Paisley was asked if she would take some pictures for school promotions.  She had a billboard up a while back (have I posted a picture of that on here???) and then they used her picture at the mall, too.

Another competition was "Little Scientist," a math and science competition.  For this one, three kids from each class were chosen to participate.  Both kids were chosen from their classes!!

Paisley's group did really well.  It was funny because they were arguing over who got to hold up their card showing they knew the answer.  It took them so long to figure out who would hold it up that other groups had already answered the question!

 Paisley's group did a great job and came in 3rd!

Truett had a lot of fun and his group did really well, too.  Again, there were some little things that might have made it a little unfair, but I'm sure it was that way for all the teams.  It didn't matter, though, they had fun!

I really like these two pictures.  One is of the team clapping for another team.  The other just shows that the kids like each other! 

They came in second!


For both Paisley's and Truett's "Little Scientist" competition, it was obvious all of the kids had prepared and knew all of the answers.  They did great!

These last pictures are just some random ones taken from the weekend.

These first two are some groups from the school performing.

 There was a singing competition that the girls were really into!

Paisley and her friends watching Truett's competition.

One of Paisley's good friends was in the singing competition.  This is a picture of them after her performance.

Paisley and her best friend are goofy!  They made slime and decided to decorate their faces with it.

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