I know it's been a while since I've posted. Life has been busy! We had company over Christmas, so I have lots of pictures for you over the next few weeks. We'll start with the fun things we did the few days around Christmas.
We'll start with our Christmas party. We had about 50 guests on December 23. Since I cooked traditional American food for Thanksgiving, we went with traditional Indonesian food for Christmas (catering was so much easier than cooking!). We only expected about 30 people, so we had to order more food in the middle of the party. It was so worth it! We invited neighbors, coworkers, classmates, and the kids' teachers.
It was a great time!!
You can tell how successful a party is by how many shoes there are on the porch and how many motorcycles there are in the yard. I'd say this was successful!
These are the kids' teachers. We are so thankful for all they have done for our kiddos!
Our next door neighbor, Ibu(Mrs.) Tita.
These are mostly the people who are at our house for dinner and Bible study each Thursday night.
She kept taking pictures by the Christmas tree!
Mostly people in this country have a helper that cooks the food, cleans the houses, washes dishes, takes care of the yard, goes grocery shopping, watches the kids, washes and hangs out the laundry, etc. Very often these helpers live with the family. Michael "jokes" that I am our families pembantu (helper). However, we do have Pak(Mr.) Widodo . . . or Pakidodo as the kids call him. He comes in one morning a week to help clean the house, mostly bathrooms and floors, and do a little bit of work outside. We invited him to our Christmas party and were so excited when he and his family showed up.
These are the kids of a family from church. Our kids love these girls.
Having fun with Nana and Tay Tay.
Here are the best pictures we could get of the kids in their Christmas clothes. There's not one that I think is particularly wonderful. You know, one kid smiles while the other doesn't and then they switch. But, this is the best we have for Christmas 2015.
Perhaps you remember from last year that we had a bit of a hard time finding Santa to take pictures. Well, this Christmas was no different. We went to a couple of malls. We went to one mall on December 21. Apparently, Santa left on the 20th. That makes sense, right? We went to a second mall on Christmas Eve. At that mall, Santa was only there on the weekends. Who would have thought Santa wouldn't be around on Christmas Eve. Hmmm . . .
I think these are my favorite!
And now we have Christmas morning. Be warned, it's a lot of pictures. Probably only the grandparents will be interested in them.
Of course we started off the morning with gingerbread!
I know these are pretty much the same picture, but I love the way Truett is looking up in the second one.
Opening presents!
This may be one of my favorite gifts that we gave Paisley. Michael often tells the kids stories about McGoodle Poodle and McGodle Podle. He bases them on Truett and Paisley. They are magic kids who love to go on adventures. McGodle Podle always wears fairy wings. So, of course, we had to get Paisley some for Christmas.
What more do kids want for Christmas than rulers and protractors. Definitely math teacher's kids!
They got plenty of dress up clothes.
The kids picked out and wrapped their own presents for Nana and Tay Tay.
They ended up with water bottles, a screwdriver, and a bottle of Coke.
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