Friday, May 22, 2015

Photo Friday, May 22

Here are some pictures that could have gone on last Friday's blog post about dressing up.  This first one is my favorite.  Truett wanted to draw a Batman symbol and tape it to him.  He also insisted on putting big circles on his chest.  I'll let you guess what they are supposed to be.  You are probably right.

You would think that this is just a picture of Truett playing.  Look closer.  He's dressed up as Batman.  Can't you tell?  He saw on a video earlier today that superheros wear their underwear outside of their clothes.  So, of course, that's what he had to do!

Here are some school pictures.  Paisley is looking as adorable as always and Truett is looking cooler than cool.  He is a typical "third culture kid" in this picture.  He's got a traditional Indonesian jacket on (for school pictures) and a Batman hat turned backwards.  How old is this kid???

 At my last meeting with the Real Housewives of Yogya, we went to the most beautiful place!

And a last few sweet moments.  We read Bible stories each night and here is Michael reading to Tru.  Paisley isn't always so interested in the stories.  So, she's pretending to take a picture of me while I take a picture of her.

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