Friday, May 29, 2015

Cooking with Mommy

Paisley has really started enjoying cooking with me lately.  She likes putting clothes in the washer and "helping" me hang up the laundry. She also likes helping me wash dishes, but I think that's because she likes playing in the bubbles!  Truett likes folding the laundry and he actually does a pretty good job.  Here are a few pictures from the week (yes, she's wearing a diaper in that one, she still wears one at night).

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Blue Class End of the Year Party

 Truett's class had an end of the year party on Saturday.  We didn't take most of these pictures, but thought that you would enjoy them.  Here are some of the kids in Truett's class.  That first kid is one of the happiest, laughingest kids we have ever met.  We decided that we'd take him home!  I wish I could tell you all of their names, but Truett doesn't even know them!

Here are his teachers.  The first one is the one he has really connected with.  We're excited that Paisley will be in her class next year, but a little worried about Truett adjusting to a new set of teachers.

This next set of pictures is pretty typical Indonesian and typical Tru.  Shaking hands is the most common greeting, and children are expected to shake hands with everyone, too.  As you can see, in the first picture, Truett does not want to shake hands.  In the second, he gives in, but he's not real thrilled about it.  The third picture is him giving one of his teachers a high five.  He's a little more willing to do that.

There was a little presentation before dinner.  Some of the parents spoke, as well as the lead teacher.
And, of course, they had to have the "foreigners" say something.  There are times when I just want to fit in and be like everybody else, to not stand out.  This was one of those times.  But, I graciously accepted.  I started off by saying "matur nuwun," which means "thank you" in Javanese.  Truett has had to learn it for his graduation, so we've practiced it as a family. Everyone got a kick out of it.  The rest was a little tough for me because I sometimes get emotional.  This was one of those times.  I just wanted to thank Truett's teachers for loving him and sticking by him, even on his hard days.  I barely started and the tears came.  There were other tears among the parents, which is odd because many of them don't speak English!

The food . . . this is NOT typical!

Here are some pictures of the kiddos.  The first one makes my heart happy.  I love seeing Truett smiling and having fun with the other kids.

Some class pictures.

These are the ladies who organized the event.  Boy, am I thankful for them!  It's hard in a culture when you want to help out, but feel so at a loss.  I'm glad there are parents in the class who can take charge and just let me know where to show up!

Here's Tru with his teachers.  I had to bribe him to take the picture, but I think he did it with a nice smile!