Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Birthday Bash

We celebrated my birthday a few weeks ago and it was probably my most favorite day in this country!  To begin with, I got to sleep in (yes, sleeping until 8:30 is sleeping late).  When I woke up, I just assumed we were going to Dunkin Donuts, like we do every Sunday morning.  However, I was pleasantly surprised.  I got the most wonderful cards from my kiddos.  Michael had them make cards for me while I was sleeping.  How sweet!  And then I was told we weren't going to get donuts, we were going swimming!  We went to the Hyatt for the breakfast buffet and the pool.  And . . . WOW . . . was it a pool!  The setting at breakfast was beautiful and the pool incredible.

We got to sit out underneath a canopy of trees.

There was a 70 meter long water slide!  The kids loved it (okay, I loved it, too!).  We even let the kids ride down it by themselves (grandparents, forget you just read that sentence).

Later in the afternoon, I went to my first Ibu Ibu meeting.  All of the ladies in the neighborhood get together to hear about the neighborhood issues and to eat.  We got a box of snacks when we arrived and a sack of food for dinner when we left (fried chicken and tofu).  I had to introduce myself in Indonesian and I think I did okay.

The day ended at church and dinner.  While at church a couple of the exchange students we've gotten to know brought me cupcakes for my birthday.  They are super sweet.  Then we went to a pizza joint down the road and had some delicious food.  All of the way home, Truett talked about how he's planning a celebration for my birthday and asked to go to the store so we could buy things to celebrate.  He said everyone was coming over to help celebrate.  He was so excited about how to decorate and buy stuff for this celebration.  (He did keep saying the words celebrate and celebration)  He is the sweetest little boy.  It was a perfect day for a birthday celebration!
Truett made me a birthday card and some decoration.  He asked Michael how to spell HAPPY BIRTHDAY and then wrote it out himself.  The other decorations are balloons that I had to cut out and he put around the room.

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