Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chef Yogi

Who loves to watch those reality cooking shows?  I know my mom does!  Anyone else?  What about MasterChef?  Every heard of that one?  MasterChef Indonesia?  Do you recognize this guy . . .

That's right, it's Chef Yogi from MasterChef Indonesia.  (Doesn't T look like he's in awe of him?)  Apparently, before the show, he was a dancer.  At least, that's what Wikipedia told me.  He didn't win, but he was in the top 10.  Not too shabby.  We ate dinner at his restaurant the other night.  It's in a cool little outdoor food court, with a great atmosphere, and the food was really good, too.  The kids had pizza, I had mac & cheese, and Michael had steak.  The steak was the best and most normal tasting steak we've had here.  The kids' pizza had a wonderful sauce and lots of vegetables.  My mac & cheese was delicious!  Good job, Chef Yogi!

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