Our next installment of The Things We See is here!
It seems like many of these are about food, both good and . . . well . . . interesting.
I'll start with things we see on the street. That first picture is of a guy on a motorcycle with 6 phone cases on the handlebars. Not sure what's going on there! The second picture is something we see on a regular basis. It's like a traveling toy store. The last one is a guy driving with a bunch of live chickens. We actually see them with many more chickens than that, but that's the picture I've got.
Here are some unique items we see for sale around here.
Paisley wanted that doll for Christmas. The second picture is a weed-eater, sold as a "grass trimmer." The last is just a sampling of the random English words we see on shirts here.
Can you tell what this is? It's stamps for your hotdogs!
Honey Butter Lays. Shrimp Cookies. Chocolate Chip cookies with Cheese. I mean, can you get any more delicious than that?
Cheese Tea. Cheese Milk Slurpee. Tuna Chips. You can't make this stuff up!
Now to McDonalds. Choco Pumpkin McFlurry. Chocolate waffle cone. Slurpees and garlic butter sauce.
This one from Wendy's is pretty funny. This was on the wall and can you see all of the red duct tape? It covers up everywhere it says "ham." Then, of course, the cheesey chicken cone?
And I'll leave you with the water bottle Christmas tree at the grocery store.