Not much going on around Yogya these days. However, last year at this time, Michael and I were in side by side hospital beds. Glad to be over that!
I've gone back and found some pictures of the kids from the past year that I never put into any blogs. So, this is just a hodge podge of pictures.
These first ones are from little dramas that the kids did in their classes. Both kids had a pretty big speaking parts. They did GREAT! They had certain colors they were supposed to wear for their specific roles. Unfortunately, I forgot which day Truett's was on and he had to wear the same clothes two days in a row. Oops!
One of Truett's friends is in a sewing class, so Truett wanted to be in one, too. We had our own little sewing class one Saturday afternoon. They did such a good job, tracing and sewing all by themselves.
Just clowning around.
Tru got a new big boy bicycle and new pads to go with it. He was so proud!
Paisley is wearing a dress that my mom made for me when I was her age. They were giggling so much during these pictures. Too precious!
For Paisley's birthday, one of her friends gave her and Truett matching Mickey and Minnie t-shirts.
He loves to read! He's just looking at pictures in this book, but he has started reading (as has Paisley) and is proud of himself.
Rolled ice cream. Kinda like Cold Stone, but then rolled.
Fun with breakfast.
Learning to play basketball.
One of our students from Kenya taught us how to make chipati, the most delicious Kenyan snack.
We had a girls' party back in the Spring of 2016. I feel like I've posted some of these pictures before, but I couldn't remember. Paisley had a blast with the big girls!
One of our favorite snack places at the mall is the Eggo store, Asian waffles. They are delicious, especially with nutella on them!
Painted Pumpkins for Halloween. We have a traditional looking jack-o-lantern, Olaf, the blue ninja turtle, and just some design. Can you guess who made each one?
And one more because he's just so darn cute!