Saturday, August 27, 2016

Cream Bath

There is a wonderful little treat I get here a couple of times a year.  It's called a cream bath.  Sounds a little sketchy, huh?  But it's not!  They wash your hair, put an aloe vera cream on it, and massage your scalp.  Along with that, there is a neck/back massage, along with a feet and hand massage.  Oh so nice!  It lasts a total of about an hour and a half and costs less than $3.  Nice, huh??  Anyway, I took Paisley along with me the last time and she loved it!

 She got tickled when they gave her the back massage.  It was cute!


Friday, August 19, 2016

We have a FOUR year old!

Well, it's official, we have a four year old little girl in our house.  What a wonderful girl she is!  We called family on Thursday morning and they got to watch her open presents.  We had a school party on Friday, which consisted of cookies, cupcakes, and goodie bags.  Then we had dinner with a couple of families at McDonald's (Paisley's choice).  We got a couple of pictures of her opening presents, left the memory card at home for her school party (we still got a few phone pictures), and then none from McDonald's.  What kind of parents are we?!?!?!?!?  I did get some cute 4 year old pictures!

 Here are some cute pictures of our four year old!  I know there's a lot, pick your favorite!

 And "Best Big Bruddy" had to get in the pictures, too.

Here are some pictures from her school party.

The birthday girl got to pick a friend to lead the prayer.  Paisley picked her friend Sofia.  These girls have too much fun together!  Sofia understands English pretty well, but doesn't really speak it. Somehow, still, they get in trouble at school for talking to each other too much!

Paisley's classmates, although there were 3 missing.

Her friends got to pick between a Hello Kitty cookie and a cupcake.

 Handing out the goodie bags as they leave class.  Each kid got some Oreos, some cheese Ritz, a coloring book, and some colored pencils.

Friday, August 12, 2016


**disclaimer:  I should be putting put up pictures of Paisley's birthday, but some of the pictures are on Michael's phone and he's at the movies.  So, for  now, you can look at these . . . and they are super cute!

We took a trip to Bali a couple of weeks ago (beach pictures to come in a couple of weeks) and saw that there was a bowling alley nearby.  For some reason, Tru had been talking about bowling a lot recently.  So, of course, we went bowling!  Let me tell you, it was the most family fun we've had in a long time.  And, boy, did I get some cute pictures.  There are some cute posed pictures, so cute pictures of the kids "aiming," some with Michael showing Truett how to bowl (some of my favorites) and some cute ones of them rolling the ball.  I'm not going to put them in any order, just how they were taken on the camera.  Just wait, cuteness overload!  Here you go . . .